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Faculty Committee on Program Review

The Faculty Committee on Program Review (FCPR) is a university-wide professorial faculty committee which oversees the program review process. Members of the FCPR are selected jointly by the provost and the Faculty Senate and serve three-year staggered terms. The provost and Faculty Senate choose the chair of the committee jointly.

Functions of the FCPR include the following:

  • Determining (after consultation with appropriate deans) the cycle for reviews of departments, fields, and centers
  • Monitoring the quality of the review process by
    • Commissioning reviews of selected centers, fields, and cross-departmental groupings to be carried out by the dean of the Graduate School, the vice provost, or a college dean
    • Receiving and reviewing the department’s self-study and any comments on the plan for review, and reviewing and approving the dean’s (or other administrator’s) detailed plan for each review, including the ad-hoc evaluation committee’s composition and charge
    • Establishing and maintaining minimum criteria for reviews to ensure the regular collection of uniform data from the entire university,
    • Receiving copies of the individual program reviews, including the self-study, the ad-hoc evaluation committee’s report, a response by the department being reviewed, and a response by the dean stating the action(s) to be taken as a result of the review

Overview for New FCPR Members (PDF)

FCPR Talking Points for Opening External Review Session (PDF)

Membership of FCPR

NameDepartmentTerm BeginTerm End
Peng ChenChemistry and Chemical BiologyOctober 23, 2023June 30, 2026
Andrew DavisOperations, Technology, and Information ManagementSeptember 14, 2021June 30, 2027
Silvia Ferrari, ChairMechanical and Aerospace EngineeringJuly 1, 2017June 30, 2027
Stephen GarveyLawOctober 23. 2023June 30, 2026
Rick GeddesEconomicsOctober 23, 2023June 30, 2027
Tapan ParikhInformation ScienceOctober 23, 2023June 30, 2026
Annette RichardsMusicJuly 1, 2019 June 30, 2027
Syed RizviFood ScienceOctober 23, 2023June 30, 2026
Calum TurveyApplied Economics and ManagementSeptember 14, 2021June 30, 2027
Qi WangHuman DevelopmentNovember 12, 2024June 30, 2027
Marten WegkampMath and Statistics and Data ScienceNovember 5, 2024June 30, 2027

Avery August, Deputy Provost; FCPR ex-Officio

Kristin Walker, Manager, Academic Program Review; FCPR Administrator