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Cornell Budget Model Data from IRP

The data shared here may be sensitive, restricted and/or confidential.  These reports should not be reproduced or further distributed.  In some cases, the data are protected by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).  For more information, contact Marin Clarkberg.

There are several University policies related to the confidentiality and management of institutional information and data.  Among them:

Data relating to the undergraduate tuition pool

The “Budget Model Principles” documents includes this description relating to the distribution of undergraduate tuition revenue (principle 2, item d):

The remaining [undergraduate] tuition pool will be returned to 1) the home college in which the student is enrolled and 2) colleges where instruction occurs as determined by the college home of the instructor(s)/faculty member(s) teaching (in the case where a course is taught by administrative staff the funding will go to the home college of the course).

Documentation on the Brio query that was historically used to assemble these data is available here.

  • Detailed Data on Teaching Distribution (Secured access; Academic deans and college officers may access)
    • The FY 2026 budget is based on averages over five years (CY 2020-CY 2024)
    • Adjustments:
      • Feb 2022: List Brooks School as a ‘teaching college’
      • March 31, 2014: List Cornell in Washington as a ‘teaching college’
      • March 2017:  List “AEM” – the Dyson School – separated from CALS.
      • Feb 2019:  Intergroup Dialog Project courses have been removed.

Headcounts and FTE related to the distribution of Allocated Costs

The “Budget Model Principles” documents include this description relating to the distribution of “Allocated Costs” (principle 6):

The Allocated Costs will be based on key drivers of administrative costs: number of graduate and professional students, undergraduate tuition, number of faculty, number of staff, research expenditures, and five-year rolling average of gifts received.

Student Headcounts are as of the sixth week of the semester. Employee headcounts are based on the Nov 1 PAIDS (Position and Incumbent Data Set) extract and AIS (Academic Information System) APDB extract from Workday.

  • Detailed Headcounts and FTE for 2025 Budget  (Secured access; Academic deans and college officers may access) March 4, 2024
    • Adjustments:
      • April 9, 2014:  Move NYC tech faculty from tenure college to CornellNYC Tech.
      • April 29, 2014:  Move professional students in the program of Real Estate to Hotel Admin
      • Feb 10, 2015:  Move Campus Store, PrintCopy, CBS-ADM, CBS-BUSN from Financial Affairs to SAS (Cornell Business Services)
      • Jan 28, 2016: Separate out the Dyson School

To export to Excel, select the tabs at the top labeled as ‘Export” then select the small button at the bottom Export icon  and then select ‘Crosstab’.